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There was little to report in so let’s see if there’s more significant movements in the …


2013年7月至2013年8月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics July 2013 to August 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


Browser July August change relative
IE (all) 24.52% 25.51% +0.99% +4.00%
IE10+ 10.94% 11.34% +0.40% +3.70%
IE9 5.31% 5.20% -0.11% -2.10%
IE8 7.63% 8.27% +0.64% +8.40%
IE7 0.44% 0.47% +0.03% +6.80%
IE6 0.20% 0.23% +0.03% +15.00%
Chrome 43.14% 42.85% -0.29% -0.70%
Firefox 20.09% 19.26% -0.83% -4.10%
Safari 8.59% 8.57% -0.02% -0.20%
Opera 1.09% 1.14% +0.05% +4.60%
Others 2.57% 2.67% +0.10% +3.90%
浏览器 七月 八月 更改 相对的
IE浏览器(全部) 24.52% 25.51% + 0.99% + 4.00%
IE10 + 10.94% 11.34% + 0.40% + 3.70%
IE9 5.31% 5.20% -0.11% -2.10%
IE8 7.63% 8.27% + 0.64% + 8.40%
IE7 0.44% 0.47% + 0.03% + 6.80%
IE6 0.20% 0.23% + 0.03% + 15.00%
Chrome 43.14% 42.85% -0.29% -0.70%
火狐浏览器 20.09% 19.26% -0.83% -4.10%
苹果浏览器 8.59% 8.57% -0.02% -0.20%
歌剧 1.09% 1.14% + 0.05% + 4.60%
其他 2.57% 2.67% + 0.10% + 3.90%

2012年8月至2013年8月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics August 2012 to August 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


Browser August 2012 August 2013 change relative
IE (all) 32.85% 25.51% -7.34% -22.30%
IE10+ 0.00% 11.34% +11.34% n/a
IE9 17.57% 5.20% -12.37% -70.40%
IE8 13.65% 8.27% -5.38% -39.40%
IE7 1.16% 0.47% -0.69% -59.50%
IE6 0.47% 0.23% -0.24% -51.10%
Chrome 22.84% 42.85% +20.01% +87.60%
Firefox 33.65% 19.26% -14.39% -42.80%
Safari 7.41% 8.57% +1.16% +15.70%
Opera 1.64% 1.14% -0.50% -30.50%
Others 1.61% 2.67% +1.06% +65.80%
浏览器 2012年8月 2013年8月 更改 相对的
IE浏览器(全部) 32.85% 25.51% -7.34% -22.30%
IE10 + 0.00% 11.34% + 11.34% 不适用
IE9 17.57% 5.20% -12.37% -70.40%
IE8 13.65% 8.27% -5.38% -39.40%
IE7 1.16% 0.47% -0.69% -59.50%
IE6 0.47% 0.23% -0.24% -51.10%
Chrome 22.84% 42.85% + 20.01% + 87.60%
火狐浏览器 33.65% 19.26% -14.39% -42.80%
苹果浏览器 7.41% 8.57% + 1.16% + 15.70%
歌剧 1.64% 1.14% -0.50% -30.50%
其他 1.61% 2.67% + 1.06% + 65.80%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 2.1% of IE9 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read .

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,另有2.1%的IE9用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读 。

I had to check the figures twice. Most major versions of Internet Explorer increased and the total was a shade under 1% for all editions:

我不得不检查两次数据。 Internet Explorer的大多数主要版本都增加了,所有版本的总和不到1%:

  • IE6 and IE7 grew a little. Don’t be alarmed; the total for both browsers is less than 0.7% so any movements appear exaggerated.

    IE6和IE7有所增长。 不要惊慌; 两种浏览器的总数均小于0.7%,因此任何移动都显得夸大了。
  • IE8 had the largest 0.64% rise. I’m sure it’s a quirky blip but it illustrates the browser is still important for many users.

    IE8的增幅最大,为0.64%。 我敢肯定这是一个古怪的现象,但是它说明了浏览器对于许多用户仍然很重要。
  • IE9 decreased a fraction but at a far slower rate than we’ve seen in previous months. It’s now at 5.2% which exactly matches the worldwide number of Windows Vista users (IE10 is not supported on the OS). That’s just a co-incidence, but using Vista is the only reason you’d want to retain IE9.

    IE9的下降幅度很小,但比我们前几个月所看到的要慢得多。 现在为5.2%,与全球Windows Vista用户数量完全匹配(操作系统不支持IE10)。 这只是巧合,但是使用Vista是您想保留IE9的唯一原因。
  • Finally, IE10 had another respectable month. IE10 is the default browser for Windows 8 (7% OS market share). Windows 7 users (52% market share) have few excuses not to upgrade from IE9 although some may retain IE8 for legacy application reasons.

    最终,IE10又有了一个可敬的月份。 IE10是Windows 8的默认浏览器(7%的操作系统市场份额)。 Windows 7用户(52%的市场份额)几乎没有理由不从IE9升级,尽管有些用户可能会因为遗留应用程序而保留IE8。

Internet Explorer’s growth came at the expense of Chrome and Firefox. Chrome slipped almost 0.3% which is the first decrease in many months. Firefox fell more than 0.8% and has been fluctuating around 20% for some time.

Internet Explorer的增长是以Chrome和Firefox为代价的。 Chrome含量下降了近0.3%,这是许多个月以来的首次下降。 Firefox跌幅超过0.8%,并且一段时间以来一直在20%左右波动。

Personally, I think this is good news. We need healthy competition and Google is worryingly powerful. Microsoft’s browser dominated in the early part of the century which resulted in many years stagnation. While Google is unlikely to achieve a similar 95% market share with Chrome, the company also controls much of the mobile space and web applications we rely on.

我个人认为这是个好消息。 我们需要健康的竞争,而Google的实力令人担忧。 微软的浏览器在本世纪初占主导地位,导致多年停滞。 虽然Google不太可能在Chrome上获得95%的类似市场份额,但该公司还控制着我们所依赖的大部分移动空间和网络应用程序。

And let’s not forget IE10 is a fine browser … IE9 is good if you’re happy to live without CSS3 animations. Perhaps I’ve been unlucky, but Chrome causes me more development headaches!

而且请不要忘记IE10是一款出色的浏览器……如果您很高兴没有CSS3动画,那么IE9就是很好的选择。 也许我倒霉,但是Chrome使我更加头痛!

As for the other browsers, Safari barely moved and Opera had a small increase. The Blink editions of Opera (version 15+) account for 0.2% of the market — or 18% of the browser’s user-base. Opera users normally upgrade quickly so it seems not everyone is convinced by the new version.

至于其他浏览器,Safari几乎没有动,Opera的增长很小。 Opera的Blink版本(版本15+)占市场的0.2%,占浏览器用户群的18%。 Opera用户通常会快速升级,因此似乎并不是每个人都对新版本感到信服。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage increased a little to during August 2013 — the highest it’s ever been. The predictions of mobile overtaking desktop may have been a little premature, but most businesses should consider their mobile strategy. It’s difficult to justify not adopting Responsive Web Design techniques when creating a new site.

在2013年8月期间,移动设备使用量增长了一点, 是有史以来的最高水平。 关于移动超越台式机的预测可能还为时过早,但大多数企业应考虑其移动策略。 创建一个新站点时,很难证明不采用响应式Web设计技术。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile July August change relative
Android 28.64% 28.62% -0.02% -0.10%
iPhone 22.43% 21.32% -1.11% -4.90%
Opera Mini/Mobile 15.73% 16.10% +0.37% +2.40%
UC Browser 10.57% 11.15% +0.58% +5.50%
Nokia Browser 7.14% 7.04% -0.10% -1.40%
Chrome 3.77% 4.25% +0.48% +12.70%
Blackberry 3.13% 3.17% +0.04% +1.30%
Others 8.59% 8.35% -0.24% -2.80%
移动 七月 八月 更改 相对的
安卓系统 28.64% 28.62% -0.02% -0.10%
苹果手机 22.43% 21.32% -1.11% -4.90%
Opera Mini /手机 15.73% 16.10% + 0.37% + 2.40%
UC浏览器 10.57% 11.15% + 0.58% + 5.50%
诺基亚浏览器 7.14% 7.04% -0.10% -1.40%
Chrome 3.77% 4.25% + 0.48% + 12.70%
黑莓 3.13% 3.17% + 0.04% + 1.30%
其他 8.59% 8.35% -0.24% -2.80%

Other than a slightly unusual drop for Safari on the iPhone, there’s little movement in the chart. However, if you think desktop browser compatibility is tough, the 9% for “Others” shows we have many more mobile applications to worry about!

除了iPhone上Safari的跌幅有所不同外,图表中的变化很小。 但是,如果您认为台式机浏览器的兼容性很困难,则“其他”的9%表示我们还有很多移动应用程序需要担心!




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